Sunday, March 28, 2010


Good morning, One and All:

I decided this morning to try something to try to revive this Blog. Shannon and I began this project last Fall, hoping telling our stories would be of help to other gay people, especially the newer or younger gays and lesbians. . . Several others contributed their stories too.

It is hard to gauge just how many readers this blog attracted since there have been very few comments made. Early on Shannon found he just didn't have the time to work on this blog and so, by default. . .whatever that word really means. . lol. . .I was left as 'the Blogger' here. Those who have followed the posts realized very soon that the content was mainly a "later after-noon edition" of what I was posting on my own blog JustinDunes. . . .repeats.

This morning I removed all the repeats I had posted, and left the personal contributions of others, plus my own and Shannon's. I took the time to re-read the Coming Out stories there. . .Stew, Jack, Len, my own. . hahahaaa. . . .good stuff.
T'would be a shame to delete these, plus the videos which Shannon posted.

I think what I have left there is good and worthwhile. The rest of the material I posted can be read at JustinDunes.

A REQUEST. If there are still readers and people interested in the survival of this blog, would you please write a comment, attached to this entry, indicating your interest in its survival or not, and ANYTHING else you might like to say. I am willing to continue as editor if this blog is of interest to any one.

You do not need to sign your name, if you feel better not, just as you feel comfortable.

right now to those of you who respond.

ciao ciao. . . .



  1. I stumbled across this blog, but then it sort of got lost in the pack that I follow because of no updates!!

    But from the first few entries that I read, I liked it alot! I'd like if the blog continues and keeps getting updated with new material...if not updated, it would be wise to preserve it!

  2. hi justin and others...
    i think this blog is a great idea, even if i dont have a lot to contribute, i reckon if you added a "visitor counter" you might be surprised.
    if you help only one individual it makes this worthwhile and i bet you already have, so why not help another and then another.
    i hope you keep up the excellent work you have begun, and i will follow you on your journey so you know at least one individual is listening.

  3. THANKS, Phunk and Chris. . .thanks very much. I agree with you. . .if this helps YOU, great! Very worthwhile doing.
    SO that is all I need to read. .. ;-) UGLY shall continue. . .though I do hope none of you feels 'ugly'.. . if you do then we will try to help you see your beauty, to love yourself better. .doing that opens worlds to all of us.

    ANd, yes, my mate Shannon IS the owner and has to approve all the postings. . .hehe, that will keep him in touch with all of us. . .LOL I am only the janitor. . .hahaaa

    ciao ~

  4. I think the blog is a great idea. I initially started my YouTube channel because of a lack of coming out advice on there, and it has been well received. I have had many, many messages from young people struggling to come to terms with their sexuality, and it has been gratifying for me that I've been able to help some of them. I hope your blog continues and grows. I will give you a mention on my next vid. Good luck, guys! :-)

  5. Jack MillerApril 21, 2010

    I can't, and won't, speak for others, but I read and re-read the posts on here fairly often. I do know that publishing my story made me realize just how great my life has become. Reading "Stew's Story" told me more about my friend of 12 years than I ever knew. We are closer than ever thanks to The Ugly Ducklings!! Bless you!!
