Sunday, March 28, 2010


Good morning, One and All:

I decided this morning to try something to try to revive this Blog. Shannon and I began this project last Fall, hoping telling our stories would be of help to other gay people, especially the newer or younger gays and lesbians. . . Several others contributed their stories too.

It is hard to gauge just how many readers this blog attracted since there have been very few comments made. Early on Shannon found he just didn't have the time to work on this blog and so, by default. . .whatever that word really means. . lol. . .I was left as 'the Blogger' here. Those who have followed the posts realized very soon that the content was mainly a "later after-noon edition" of what I was posting on my own blog JustinDunes. . . .repeats.

This morning I removed all the repeats I had posted, and left the personal contributions of others, plus my own and Shannon's. I took the time to re-read the Coming Out stories there. . .Stew, Jack, Len, my own. . hahahaaa. . . .good stuff.
T'would be a shame to delete these, plus the videos which Shannon posted.

I think what I have left there is good and worthwhile. The rest of the material I posted can be read at JustinDunes.

A REQUEST. If there are still readers and people interested in the survival of this blog, would you please write a comment, attached to this entry, indicating your interest in its survival or not, and ANYTHING else you might like to say. I am willing to continue as editor if this blog is of interest to any one.

You do not need to sign your name, if you feel better not, just as you feel comfortable.

right now to those of you who respond.

ciao ciao. . . .