Saturday, April 3, 2010


HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you who observe Easter or Passover, and a Joyfilled Happy Springtime to all of us who "blossom out". as it were, in this beautiful season. . . .and to those of you 'down under' who are into Fall and slipping quickly into Winter, be of Good Cheer. . . .your time will come. LOL

How are all of you doing?  I hope you will feel inclined to post.  I am waiting to use the magic words I have been given to approve any and all postings.  I've moved from Janitor to Editor. . .LOL. . .as if there was much difference!    Shannon is involved with some "chance in a lifetime" project.  I wish him well. . . and wait to hear the news.

ciao, ciao 
~~~ justin

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Justin for your considered and approved new role as Editor, we all wish Shannon the very best for his new project. In the mean time I will write a short piece on my recent situation and send it in for posting.
    Hugs all round. oh and hope you all enjoyed your Easter or Passover.
    Be Safe
